Samuel Webster

Ph.D. (University of Wollongong)



Spring Eastern Sectional Meeting of the American Mathematical Society, University of Maryland, Baltimore
Title: Fractal substitution tilings


Graph algebras: Bridges between graph C*-algebras and Leavitt path algebras, Banff International Research Station
Title: The path space of a graph

Operator Theory Seminar, University of Victoria
Title: Introduction to higher-rank graphs and their C*-algebras

Operator Theory Seminar, University of Victoria
Title: Introduction to directed graph C*-algebras


Early and Mid Career Researcher Workshop on Symmetry, Newcastle
Title: How textile systems will weave our understanding of multidimensional realms.

Australian Mathematical Society annual conference, University of Ballarat
Title: The boundary-path space of a directed graph

International Workshop on Operator Theory and its Application, University of New South Wales
Title: From k-coloured graphs to k-graphs.


Winter School on Operator Algebras, RIMS, Kyoto University

Operator Algberas and Their Applications, RIMS, Kyoto University



Australian Mathematical Society annual conference, University of Sydney
Title: Textile systems, 2-graphs and homology


Canadian Operator Symposium, Queen's University
Title: From k-coloured graphs to k-graphs.

Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, University of Houston
Title: From k-coloured graphs to k-graphs.


Australian Mathematical Society annual conference, University of Wollongong
Title: From k-coloured graphs to k-graphs.

Canadian Operator Symposium, University of Victoria
Title: The path space of a higher-rank graph.

Great Plains Operator Theory Symposium, Arizona State University
Title: The path space of a directed graph.

Operator Algebra Seminar, University of Wollongong
Title: The path space of a directed graph.


Australian Mathematical Society annual conference, University of Queensland
Title: The spectrum of the diagonal C*-subalgebra of a k-graph.